*Super Sweet Blogging Award*

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I was very Surprised this evening when I came to my blog to write my new review. There was a message saying I’d been *Nominated* for The Super Sweet Blogging Award” by a New friend I started following ,*Catherine* at *“http://catherinelyonaddictedtodimes.wordpress.com/.* What grabbed my attention about her blog, was that she is sharing her Life’s Journey, in recovery,and marking things off her Bucket List, and is using her blog to take her followers along for the ride. She explores what makes her life full of Happiness, Growth, in her, and around the world. I am a novice author-to-be, working on my debut novel, and reviewing other debut authors..in the hopes of paying it forward so they can get the recognition in the vast amount of new books being published every day. I have learned so much from this experience. Yesterday was my one year anniversary writing Becky’s Book Notes. So I would like to thank Catherine from my heart for nominating me for this *SWEET* Award, because it gives me hope that we will all prosper and help one another along the way. This really is a big honor for me and It Is my 2nd blog award here on this blog. I was so honored to be nominated for the Liebster Award in December of last year.


Copy & Paste This Whole Post and Replace All Your Information — who awarded you, for example.

1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.

2. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions.

3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post

4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.

5. Notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog.


1. Cookies or Cake? I love both, but warm chocolate chips cookies and milk..YES!

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate Please!

3. Favorite Sweet Treat? Custard Eclairs

4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most? Sadly for me it’s everyday… lol….I just don’t act on it, because I am diabetic and have to be really careful!!

5. Sweet Nick Name? Babycakes!


1. http://clswinney.wordpress.com

2. http://www.crimsonleague.com

3. http://tobiasmastgrave.wordpress.com

4. http://novelwritinggroup.wordpress.com

5. http://novelnook.wordpress.com

6. http://joceadams.wordpress.com

7. http://jlroeder.wordpress.com

8. http://akrummenacker.wordpress.com

9. http://savvybookwriters.wordpress.com

10. http://siobhandaiko.wordpress.com

11. http://carrieslager.wordpress.com

12. http://livelovelaughandread.com

13. http://heatherkopp.com

*Again, Many Blessings & Thanks to Catherine of *Recovery Blog~Author Catherine Lyon* for my nomination of this Award*></a

7 thoughts on “*Super Sweet Blogging Award*

    • Thanks Chris! It is fun to get to know everyone and know that we all have a common goal..we want to bring happiness to others through our words. We want to take them to a different world and for just a moment of time, believe that they are on a ride with a character that we have created. There is no better feeling than that! 🙂


  1. Pingback: Super Sweet Blogging Award | The Art of Writing

  2. Pingback: Becky’s Book Notes – www.RebeccaVance.com

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